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The Old Mule

Old Mule Farms - Graves Station, Ga.

Old Mule Trading Post

     Welcome to the Old Mule Trading Post where we custom craft and sale all kinds of items. We are builders of a variety of custom crafted black powder long arms. We believe attention to details is what sets us apart from other gunsmiths. All of our items are created and put together by us right here on the old farm. We carry an inventory of flintlock and percussion arms along with many muzzleloading accessories. Check out our hand forged items for your mountain man gear or just to add to your camp site. All or our period items are designed to give you not only a taste of history, but a connection right out of the past. 

We have Vintage - Old - New - Used - Black powder Rifles - Inventory Changings Daily

Custom Built .50 Cal ( NICE )  

                                   Sold - 16ga. - English made Fowler 



 Bullet Molds


Hand Forged Tools                                                                                                                                        




Powder MeasuresBall Starters

Knives  HornsFire



Trade Box`s & Stands


Broke " MULE " Box`s

Old Mule Gunsmith Shop

We have a complete gun shop where we custom build our riffles. Over the years we have crafted many flintlock riffles.

We also build custom guns where shooters have their own specifics, and we craft to fit any needs.

Buckskin Visitors


General Provisions & Sutlery

Flintlock - Percussion 

Black Powder Acessories 

Handmade Knifes 

Leather Goods

Camp Essentials

Food Provisions

Period Items

Hand Forged Items




Custom Built Rifle

Proud Member Of The

Proud Member Of

For Inquires Call

Jesse 229-310-1357

Dan   229-338-922

Email the Trading Post