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The Old Mule

Old Mule Farms - Graves Station, Ga.

The Old Mule Wheelwright Shop - Buggy Works - Wagons & More

Right here on Old Mule Farms I have been in the wheelwright craft for years. This trade is all but lost across our land, but here we still keep it alive with old world craftsmanship handed down from early wheelwrights of the past. My passion is to restore, rebuild, and custom repair horse drawn vehicles, along with all parts related. Having  my own blacksmith and forge shop allows the crafting of any iron parts and hardware for wagons of all kinds. I use antique wheelwright tools in my work to get the job done. Some of our equipment I have made, not being able to find just the right tooling where years have made availability impossible. Here are some examples of what comes out of the Old Mule wheelwright shop.

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Wooden Spoke Auto Wheels

Wood spoked auto wheels are also part of our wheelwright repair and restoration work. 
