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The Old Mule

Old Mule Farms - Graves Station, Ga.

Blog posts December 2019

A Homestead Christmas

A view from my back porch…

  With the spirit of this eve upon us my mind goes back remembering how we have managed to keep simple as the driving force among the lighted bliss that surrounds this age old humble start. Sure our table is set, just as simple as it is on any other day. Lights you sa…

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Fire Side Thoughts

A view from my back porch…

  Its cold out this morning so there ain`t gonna be no back porch sitting today. I`m just fine right here in front of the fire warming one side at a time. It does have me thinking about how things come together. A glance back over this year brings one piece in place w…

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Supper Time

A view from my back porch…

  Today begins like most others for me with my set routine here on the old farm. The sounds of cows calling out as the cold morning air stirs a restless side that is heard echoing through the woods. This calling is also one that nature has needs and is dependent on us…

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3 blog posts