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The Old Mule

Old Mule Farms - Graves Station, Ga.

Blog posts August 2020

Summers End

A view from my back porch…

  Paddling around in summer rains compares none to standing in front of a winters fire. However yesterdays rain brought drink to the needs of fertile fields moving us closer towards summers end. So slowly we advance with a firm grip on life as we walk into today. Movi…

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Next to Old

A view from my back porch…

  When I stand gazing out across the side yard of the old farmhouse it always brings pleasure to see the brightness of another great day on the farm. Timeless to say the lest, still where the clock has stopped, peaceful in simplicity, young to old eyes, all the while …

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Cool Waters

A view from my back porch…

  Along side of the old farm Wolf creek runs clear for this time of year bringing a refreshing hint of babbling cool to our southern summertime heat wave. Once a gathering place for many on a long Sunday afternoon, now hardly noticed in a day of busyness. That`s alrig…

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3 blog posts